Xabier Ortueta, Director of AFM, together with Deputy Director Maria Ruiz-Lopetedi visit our Berkoa facilities

In Berkoa Machine Tools we received the visit of Xabier Ortueta, Director of AFM (Advanced Manufacturing Technologies), Spanish association of machine tool manufacturers. The purpose of the visit was to present one of the most innovative projects of Berkoa S.Coop, an advanced welding test bench, SoldAvanza.

In this presentation also participated Lortek Technology Center, its General Manager Jaione Ganzarain and Maitane Ipiñazar, Director of Market and Technological Services. It is worth mentioning the important participation of LORTEK in this project.

The SoldAvanza project consists of a Rotary Friction Welding test bench in which new systems with advanced technological capabilities for the welding process are developed. The innovations addressed are focused on a new process control system (BLSC 4.0) using embedded sensors, as well as new drives or subsystems that allow multi-process capabilities and multi-material manufacturing.

With this project we intend to respond to the market trend towards intelligent manufacturing, which requires that the facilities offer advanced control solutions, monitoring and data analysis allowing traceability and greater control in the production process.

In the near future, Berkoa will offer organized visits to present this project to all interested companies.