Berkoa is one of the companies of the BRTA campaign, “Innovation is a matter of character, not size”.

At Berkoa, we are proud to be one of the companies committed to promoting innovation through our collaboration with BRTA (Basque Research & Technology Alliance) under the motto: “Being innovative is a question of character, not size”.

BRTA offers small and medium-sized companies 17 technology centres to develop the project you need together with the selected centre. In our case, together with our technological partner Lortek, we created the BLSC 4.0 registered controller incorporated in the Advanced Welding machines designed and manufactured by Berkoa. This process controller allows the storage of characteristic data of each part.

We remain committed to our role in promoting innovation and look forward to continuing our collaboration with BRTA to contribute to the development and transformation of our industry.


+Info: BRTA
News: Empresa XXI